Selling Knives, the Leading-Edge Job for Students

Posted on Tuesday, January 23, 2018

I started working with Vector one year ago and let me tell you, it has been a very interesting job. One of the most surprising things that has occurred to me so far, is the fact that my job is selling knives… like whoever would have guessed. I mean it is a lot of fun, but when you’re asking people you’ve been recommended to, to go to their house to show them knives it’s certainly a little odd.

Another major aspect that I think is just pure amazing with this company, is the people. I don’t think I have met anyone, new or experienced, that is not a genuinely nice person. I mean it does take a special kind of person to sell knives and to enjoy doing it. Everyone I have met this past year through Vector has changed my life on some scale. I met my best friend Shannon through Vector, and not to mention, Mitch, the best manager I have ever had. I have never had a manager who can joke around as much as Mitch while still being able to run a whole district and keep track of all his reps.

I think this job has taught me a lot about being an adult. I never knew there were so many types of knives and the right ways to use them. Who knew there was a knife for tomatoes and a separate knife for cheese?! I also have learned a lot of stuff about myself. I have learned that I am definitely a people person and love meeting new people. Being able to help people is also a really big thing that I like and this job definitely helps me achieve this.

Andrea Blize